! magazine was written just for patients to keep them up-to-date on interesting dental health information ahead of their appointment. is no longer being produced. Please enjoy these archived issues.
Latest Issue

In this issue: Oral health-care habits of young adults; holiday survival; cannabis; Canada’s new food guide and your oral health; diabetes and dental health connection; feeding your baby; X-ray safety; and electric toothbrushes.
Spring/Summer 2019
Dry mouth and sensitive teeth; best foods for baby; teeth-whitening; vaping and teens; root canals; and mouthguards.
Winter 2019
Baby’s first visit to the dentist; step-by-step guide to oral health care; toothpaste 101; cannabis and dental procedures; apple cider vinegar and oral health; gluten-free lifestyles; temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD); toothbrushing apps; and bizarre trends.
Summer/Fall 2018
Dental anxiety; nutrition; smoking cessation; dental technology; children’s oral health; and sugar substitutes.
Winter 2018
Vitamins, minerals and nutrients; the dental chair through the ages; immune system disorders; ask your dentist; dorm dental dangers; oral maxillofacial rehabilitation program; sensitive teeth; and a look back at Murphy the Molar.
Summer/Fall 2017
Our ODA 150th Anniversary issue! Teeth whitening; a history of toothpaste; healthy drink imposters; Canada’s first female dentist; important inventions in dentistry; Sjörgen’s syndrome and oral health; and healthy mouths.
Fall/Winter 2016-17
Flossing and interdental cleaners; cancer and oral health care; foods for white smiles; early dental health habits; and a history of dentistry.
Spring/Summer 2016
Fluoride facts; sealants and varnishes; great gums; profile of a public health dentist; juicing and lemon water; making time for good oral health; health-food imposters; quitting smoking; and oral cancer 101.
Fall/Winter 2015-16
The dangers of added sugar; dental emergencies; profile of a pediatric dentist; ways to a fabulous smile; vaping; dry mouth; cracked teeth; common dental procedures; and tobacco use.
Spring/Summer 2015
Stressed; diabetes and dental care; calcium; oral care in long-term care; home dental care; children’s oral health; and a profile of an endodontist.
Fall/Winter 2014-15
Fear of the dentist; teeth whitening; finding a dentist; cancer and oral health; bruxism (teeth grinding); profile of an orthodontist; and sports drinks and energy bars.
Spring/Summer 2014
Seniors’ oral health; the dental exam; oral health facts; vacation dental care; replacing missing teeth; X-rays; profile of a periodontist; and foods your dentist approves.
Fall/Winter 2013/14
Oral piercings; bad breath; yellow teeth; burning mouth syndrome; orthodontics; and fresh foods.
Spring/Summer 2013
Dry mouth; tooth sensitivity; kids’ oral health care; sugar; sleep apnea; and medications.
Winter 2013
Pregnancy and oral health, part two; teen smoking; fruit juices; mouthguards; healthy school lunches; and your children’s teeth.
Spring 2012
Pregnancy and oral health; quitting smoking; smart snacks; toothbrushes 101; teeth whitening; braces; and kid’s puzzles and quizzes.
Want more oral health information?
Explore our site for tips on taking care of your teeth and more!