Do You Need Sedation for Your Patients But Don’t Have a Sedation Permit?
Whether you own an office or work as an associate dentist in a facility without a sedation permit, we have a solution that can help you provide top-tier care without the overhead of setting up your own sedation facility.
Here’s How We Can Help:
We offer two fully-equipped sedation suites designed for all levels of sedation, including general anesthesia. Each suite comes with a qualified MD or dental anesthesiologist and a registered nurse (RN) to ensure the safest experience for your patients.
Why Choose Us?
– Keep 100% of the fees you collect—billing can be done directly in your office if you prefer.
– Affordable daily facility fees—we make sure sedation is accessible, even if you only need it occasionally.
– Convenient online booking platform—schedule sedation at your convenience with no hassle.
– You don’t need to invest in expensive infrastructure. We’ve got everything you need to provide the best care for your patients—without the extra burden on your practice.
Interested? Reach out via email to learn more or schedule a consultation. We’re here to help you provide the care your patients deserve.
How to Apply
Please send email to if interested with “Sedation Facility Inquiry” in the subject line.