21st Century Composites: Stop Layering and Start Injection Molding!
with Dr. David Clark
Category 2 – 6 CE Credits
Most dentists still think of composite as filling material that should be packed into boxy preps and cured in layers. That is simply the wrong way to use composite. In this fast moving and entertaining lecture Dr. Clark will demonstrate the art and science of monolithic injection molded composite dentistry using modern cavity preparations, ultrathin anatomic clear matrices that can completely wrap the tooth, and heated multi-viscosity resins.
ODS Members: $140 + tax
Aux. staff of ODS members: $100 + tax
Non-ODS Members: $445 + tax
Aux. staff of Non-ODS members: $145 + tax
Independent Hygienists: $200 + tax
Independent Dental Hygienist/Dental Assistant: $200 + tax
Lab Technician/Denturist: $200 + tax
Industry Representative: $475 + tax
Early-bird registration deadline: February 2, 2024