Dr. Frank Stechey
Dr. Frank Stechey is a 1971 graduate from Toronto's Faculty of Dentistry. He had a general practice in Hamilton and been a clinical restorative instructor at Toronto's Faculty of Dentistry & George Brown College; a past president of the Hamilton Academy of Dentistry and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (RCDSO); an NDEB (National Dental Examining Board) examiner for international dentists seeking Canadian licensure; a lecturer to health-care and law enforcement professionals throughout North America; and recognized as a Fellow in eight international professional organizations.
His 45+ years of forensic training & experience plus as a Court expert witness has covered civil & criminal cases of: mass disaster response; product liability; homicides; domestic violence and partner, spousal, senior - and especially child abuse. He served as a forensic dental consultant at Hamilton's McMaster University & Medical Centre's Children's Hospital and several North American municipal, provincial / state, national and international Police Services and Children's Aid Societies.
Dr. Stechey is a Board member on Rotary International's Rotarian Action Group for Family Safety expanding worldwide, the need for abusive traumatic injury recognition and its prevention in family & domestic violence cases through a multi-disciplinary community project that provides service above self for victims of all ages and for the benefit of every community.
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